
ClickthePausebuttonintheLiveCaptionswindow.ClickthePlaybuttontorestartcaptioning.·ClicktheLiveCaptionsiconinthemenubar,thenchooseStop ...,UsesubtitlesandclosedcaptionsonMac·OnyourMac,chooseApplemenu>SystemSettings,thenclickAccessibilityinthesidebar.(Youmayneedtoscroll ...,

Use Live Captions on Mac

Click the Pause button in the Live Captions window. Click the Play button to restart captioning. · Click the Live Captions icon in the menu bar, then choose Stop ...

Use subtitles and closed captions on Mac

Use subtitles and closed captions on Mac · On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Accessibility in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
